Dr. Brian Doyle - Lead Veterinarian


Dr. Doyle received his veterinary degree from the Virginia and Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine in 2012.

Dr. Doyle’s passion for preventative medicine and education began while he was working in private practice in Charleston, SC. Dr. Doyle makes it a priority to build strong relationships with his patients and clients. Through proper education and teamwork, he believes that many chronic diseases can be prevented entirely or managed appropriately through early detection. Dr. Doyle also specializes in soft tissue and orthopedic surgery, managing metabolic disorders, and educating clients on proper companion animal nutrition.

Dr. Doyle enjoys spending his free time hiking, biking, running, or playing soccer with friends. When he’s not outdoors he is spending time with his lovely wife, their newborn son and their four-legged companions. His entourage includes two dogs, April O’Neal and Goomba, and Penny Lane, the cat. New avenues of interest include gourmet cooking and gardening.

Drop-off appointments now available! Leave your pet with us in the morning and pick them up later. Call to book today!
